Have you ever read a paperback/hardcover novel and the paragraphs were all over the place, they weren't indented, etc?

That story has more the likely, not been typesetted or it was poorly typesetted.

What is typesetting? You ask.

Typesetting is the composition of text by means of types.

Typesetting requires the prior process of designing a font and storing it in some manner.

Typesetting is the retrieval of the stored letters and the ordering of them according to a language's orthography for visual display.

In plain English, typesetting is the process of properly structuring your manuscript for print. It's the laying out of the chapters, fonts, headings, and justifying the text so that it is readable, and professional looking when printed as a book.

Disclaimer: Information provided in 1st paragraph is accredited to, "Wiki"

12/7/2013 08:36:09 am

How do I sub to UR blog??

7/12/2016 04:44:36 am

Swift ProSys also typesetting services. We offer a complete range of services to educational publishers and printing presses as well as their intermediaries both in the US and the UK.


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