As an independent author, you are in charge! In charge of your finances, your marketing, your promotions, etc...

There are some key things you can do before publishing your book to market yourself effectively. I listed them below with links.

1. Create or purchase your own author website

2. Purchase a domain and link it to your


3. Create a business-related, email account.

4. Sign up for a P.O. Box at your local postal office. (Smallest one is $28 for a three month period.)

5. Create a PayPal Merchant account, using your business-related, email address.

6. Apply for a business debit card from Paypal. (It's a debit card that allows you to withdraw funds via ATM and make purchases from you PayPal account.

7. If you'd like to accept credit/debit card payments via in-person, apply for a free credit card reader from either PayPal or Intuit. ( I recommend PayPal because the payments will paid directly to your PayPal). The credit carder reader attaches your phone via headphone jack)

8. Download, Line 2 app (Free for iPhone and Andriod Users) Line 2 provides a free alternative phone number on your cellphone that can make and receive calls as well as text. ($9.99 Monthly subscription needed to have unlimited calls and text)

There are alternatives to PayPal but I highly recommend PayPal because its the most popular e-commerce business for transefering money, making payments and receiving payments.

If you plan to sell items from your website, link you PayPal account and you can accept payments from your customers and have it the funds directed straight into your PayPal account.

Check Out These Links...

(Free website builder)

(Low Priced Domain Seller)

(P.O. Box, alternative to using home address on business cards, website, etc)


A few apps, writers with Andriod should have!

1. Documents To Go by DataViz (free download with a $9.99 upgrade)

2. (free)

3. Advanced English & Thesaurus (free)

4. Smart Books (Free)

5. Ebook Maker (free)

Documents To Go - is an alternative to MS Word. It has key features like: word count, track changes(ideal for editing) font options, formatting options, etc. (Certainly worth the $9.99 upgrade)

E-Book Maker - eBook Maker is a eBook creation program on Android. You can easily created an eBook which contains text, photos and videos. The created eBook is in ePub format so that it can also be read by general eBook Readers.

Smart Books - EPub file Reader. Use hand in hand with E-Book Maker.


Have you ever read a paperback/hardcover novel and the paragraphs were all over the place, they weren't indented, etc?

That story has more the likely, not been typesetted or it was poorly typesetted.

What is typesetting? You ask.

Typesetting is the composition of text by means of types.

Typesetting requires the prior process of designing a font and storing it in some manner.

Typesetting is the retrieval of the stored letters and the ordering of them according to a language's orthography for visual display.

In plain English, typesetting is the process of properly structuring your manuscript for print. It's the laying out of the chapters, fonts, headings, and justifying the text so that it is readable, and professional looking when printed as a book.

Disclaimer: Information provided in 1st paragraph is accredited to, "Wiki"


In marketing and advertising, a target audience, is a specific group of people within the target market at which a product or the marketing message of a product is aimed at.

A target audience can be formed of people of a certain age group, gender, marital status, etc., e.g. teenagers, females, single people, etc. A combination of factors, e.g. men aged 20–30 is a common target audience. Other groups, although not the main focus, may also be interested. Discovering the appropriate target market(s) and determining the target audience is one of the most important activities in marketing management.

The biggest mistake one can possibly make in targeting, is trying to reach everybody and ending up appealing to no-one.

Click this link, to learn six essential steps to decoding your target audience:

Disclaimer: Information provided, accredited to "Wiki".


Have you dreamed of turning your novel into a film or stage play? The first step to making that dream a reality is converting your novel into a well written, easy to read; screenplay.

You could hire a professional script writer or you could learn to write scripts on your own. If you'd like to learn the craft of script wiritng; I found the software for you!

Final Draft, is a screenwriting software for writing and formatting a screenplay to meet the screenplay submission standards set by theater, television and film industries. It can also be used to write other documents such as stage-plays, outlines, treatments, query letters, novels, graphic novels, manuscripts, and basic text documents.

Final Draft is purchasable for $249.95 but you can download, "Final Draft" demo on your desktop and try it out. You are allowed to save up to fifteen (15) script pages before asked if you'd like to make a purchase.


Download the "Final Draft Reader" on your iPad & iPhone(if you have one) to read your FD scripts on the go.

The links are provided below :)


A few apps, serious writers with IPhones should have!

1. Office Plus (free download with a $5.99 In app purchase)

2. Dictionary (free)

3. FreeSaurus ( Free thesaurus)

4. Write Chain (free)

5. Word Tracker (free)

Word Tracker- tracks all your stats in your writing such as, word count, time spent writing, and speed.

Write Chain- keeps a daily tab of your writing. For each day you write, it makes a chain. For every day you don't, it breaks the chain and the app notifies you.

Office Plus- is an alternative to MS Word. It has key features like: word count, track changes(ideal for editing) font options, formatting options, etc. (Certainly worth the $5.99 upgrade)


New authors and inspiring authors: Before you publish your manuscript, it should've gone through four stages of editing:

1. General Editing

2. Developmental Editing

3. Copy Editing

4. Proofreading

I will break down the job and purpose of each below.

FYI: Some copy editors offer general editing as a part of their pricing. Always be sure to ask before payment so that you know you what it is you're paying for.

General Editing- is the process of preparing your manuscript. The editing process can involve correction, condensation, organization, and other modifications performed with the intention of producing a correct, consistent, accurate and complete work.

Developmental Editing - is a form of writing support that comes into play before or during the production of a publishable manuscript.

Copy Editing - is the work that an editor does to improve the formatting, style, and accuracy of text. Unlike general editing, copy editing might not involve changing the substance of the text. Copy refers to written or typewritten text for typesetting, printing, or publication. Copy editing is done before both typesetting and proofreading, the latter of which is the last step in the editorial cycle.

And lastly but equally important; Proofreading.

Proofreading is the reading of a galley proof or an electronic copy of a publication to detect and correct production errors of text or art. Proofreaders are expected to be consistently accurate by default because they occupy the last stage of typographic production before publication.

Disclaimer: Information provided is accredited to "Wiki"


A press kit, often referred to as a media kit in business environments, is a pre-packaged set of promotional materials of a person, company, or organization distributed to members of the media for promotional use. They are often distributed to announce a release or for a news conference.

Common components of a press kits:

Backgrounder with historical information on the company or individual.

Fact sheet listing specific features, statistics, or benefits.

Biographies of key executives, individuals, artists, etc.

Past press coverage

Photos or other images (high resolution) of key executives, logos, products, etc.

A press release detailing the current news the media kit is sent in reference to

Media contact information (usually of a public relations department or spokesperson)

A CD, DVD, software title, video, etc. as appropriate for the sender of the release

Collateral advertising material, such as: postcard, flier, newspaper ad, etc.

Click the link below to find out how to create a press kit.


I believe every indie author has had the dream of seeing their books, in bookstores and libraries around the world.

Well, below I have found a link that gives nine important steps/advisable tips to achieve that very goal.

Remember, when setting your goals make sure they are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-based (S.M.A.R.T). Never give up on your dream, the world is filled with endless possibilities; you never know when opportunity will come knocking on your door :)


Oh, man! I am so glad that I am a stickler for thorough research. I just saved myself and possibly many others, the expensive trip from the vendors hellhole known as "NYC Fines".

Here in NYC, you DO NOT need a general vending license to sell: newspapers, periodicals, books, pamphlets, or other written matter.

BUT (there's always a 'but' isn't there lol)

"If you are setting up a table, banners, coolers, a tent or other promotional materials, you will need to obtain a *"Special Event" permit from the Street Activity Permit Office"

* A 'Special Event' shall mean street activities that promote, advertise or introduce a product, corporation, company or other commercial entity or the goods or services of a corporation, company, or other commercial entity to either the general public or to a portion of the general public.

Although to sell books in NYC requires no general vending license, book vendors are required to follow the other vendor laws such as:

1. Vendors are limited to eight (8) feet of space, parallel to the curb.

2. There must be three (3) feet of space from the curb, to the property line.

3. Vendors must be at least twenty (20) feet away from the entrance of any building.

To apply for your special event permit, click the link:

There is a $25 application fee ($25.75 for payment using a credit card)

Disclaimer: Quote and link provided is from the, "Street Activity Permit Office"